Newman wants to break up LNP, says member

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 13 November 2012 | 11.51

QUEENSLAND Premier Campbell Newman wants to break up the Liberal National Party (LNP) and establish a competing alternative political party, a complaint to the party's state executive says.

Party member Blair Brewster wrote to LNP state director Brad Henderson on November 12, making six allegations that Mr Newman breached the LNP's constitution and should be disciplined.

Mr Brewster, who is chief executive of Clive Palmer's company Gladstone Pacific Nickel, alleges Mr Newman recently approached former federal Nationals president David Russell and former Northern Territory chief minister Shane Stone about forming an alternative political party to affiliate with the federal Liberal Party at the expense of the LNP.

"Apparently it is Mr Newman's intention that such a party should be formed with a base of the LNP parliamentary members," Mr Brewster says in the letter obtained by AAP.

Mr Brewster also alleged that Mr Newman had attempted to remove LNP president Bruce McIver and had approached Mr Stone to ask him to consider standing against Mr McIver.

Mr Brewster says Mr Newman has given directions to LNP members in the government not to attend or take part in LNP policy committees.

And he says Mr Newman gave them directions to raise their own money so as not to rely on the LNP.

"Mr Newman clearly wishes to remove all possible influence of the LNP over those candidates that it has worked tirelessly to nominate, fund, and get elected as members of the current state government," Mr Brewster said.

Mr Brewster was also critical of Mr Newman for making unacceptable comments and being antagonistic and aggressive towards Mr Palmer.

He said Mr Newman had threatened the very existence of the LNP and his behaviour required "the strictest possible disciplinary action".

"Mr Newman is not, as he seems to think, free to use the party to win office and then to trample over the party and its members," Mr Brewster said.

Billionaire mining magnate Clive Palmer has also said Mr Newman wants Mr Stone to be the party's president.

Mr Palmer told reporters some LNP members were upset with the premier.

"I think that there was an application lodged yesterday at the LNP headquarters against the premier for certain activities he's been undertaking," he said.

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