Up to states to lobby on GST: Hockey

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 11 November 2012 | 11.50

Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey says it's not the commonwealth's job to campaign for changes to the GST. Source: AAP

SHADOW treasurer Joe Hockey says if the states want GST reform, it's up to them to convince the Australian people that the changes are necessary.

Mr Hockey says as the beneficiaries of any tax hike, it's the job of the states not the commonwealth to make the case.

"I have already said that the states have to carry this argument because it is the growth revenue for the states," he told Sky News on Sunday.

"They've got to campaign for it and they've got to win the Australian people over."

However, Mr Hockey says reforming the goods and services tax isn't as crucial as reducing government spending or doing away with the "insidious" carbon and mining taxes.

A future coalition government would only consider GST reform if it had the bipartisan support of all the state governments and the backing of the Australian public.

Former NSW Liberal premier Nick Greiner last week called for a reassessment of the way the consumption tax was applied, saying that ruling out any discussion was "stupid".

He was one of the authors of the federal government's GST review handed to Treasurer Wayne Swan recently.

Mr Swan will publish the government's response to the report and discuss it with state treasurers before the end of the year.

But he's ruled out hiking the 10 per cent GST, arguing it would hurt battlers doing it tough.

Assistant Treasurer David Bradbury seized on Mr Hockey's comments, saying they revealed a "secret plan" to increase the GST.

"This is the third time in recent weeks Joe Hockey has been specifically asked to rule out increasing the GST under a coalition government - and has refused to do so," Mr Bradbury said in a statement.

"Joe Hockey has let the cat out of the bag.

"He wants the states to do the hard work for his secret plan to jack up the GST."

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Up to states to lobby on GST: Hockey

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