Federal government focuses on aviation

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013 | 11.51

AUSTRALIA'S aviation sector will be comprehensively examined by federal government to ensure it can meet predicted domestic and international growth.

Nationals leader Warren Truss, who has ministerial responsibility for transport, told a meeting of air safety delegates the coalition government plans a series of reviews on safety and competitiveness.

"A review of skills and workforce requirements ... will provide an evidence-based and coordinated approach to training and workforce development to meet industry needs," he told the Safeskies Australia conference in Canberra on Wednesday.

The skills review will look at a wide range of aviation occupations including pilots, cabin crew, air traffic controllers, maintenance and engineering staff, aviation security and airport employees.

"The future is likely to be challenging, and we need to ensure that we plan effectively," Mr Truss said.

The deputy prime minister also confirmed plans for a review of safety and regulation despite Australia's "very good" record.

"I believe that it's time to examine our aviation safety framework and identify where improvements can be made," he said.

The safety review will be carried out by an international aviation expert, to be named before the end of the year.

The government will also offer greater support to industry watchdogs including the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), which will be able to request extra funding when it finds itself swamped with investigations.

Mr Truss also pointed toward the completion of a national air traffic system, saying it should ease pressure on Australia's airports trying to meet domestic and international flight demands.

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