Abbott, Newman sign deal on approvals

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013 | 11.51

THE prime minister and the Queensland premier have signed a deal to streamline state environmental approvals.

But green groups are warning natural assets such as the Great Barrier Reef could face greater threats.

Under a deal signed in Brisbane on Friday, Queensland will take sole responsibility for assessing projects, making sure they comply with federal and state environmental laws.

Both governments say the change will remove duplication, and should result in plans for new developments being approved within 12 months.

The federal government will adopt a strategic oversight and auditing role.

A full deal formalising the new system is expected within a year.

Mr Abbott and Mr Newman did not speak to reporters after the signing.

But federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt and his state counterpart Andrew Powell said the streamlined process would bring many benefits.

"Australians don't want to be on the phone forever if they call a call centre and businesses shouldn't be on the phone for three years," Mr Hunt said.

"They have a right to decisions, they have a right to have the ability to get on, to invest, (and) hit environmental standards of the highest order."

But Green Senator Larissa Waters told AAP the Newman government could not be trusted to safeguard the environment.

"In the short time he's been premier he has single-handedly ripped up most of Queensland's environment protections," she said.

"He's the last person that should be given more responsibility because he has shown time and time again that he doesn't want to protect the environment. He wants to put the interests of miners ahead."

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Abbott, Newman sign deal on approvals

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