THE Queensland government says Arts Minister Ros Bates is sick and not trying to avoid questions about her son.
Ms Bates, whose son Ben Gommers is linked to a senior public servant under investigation, took last-minute leave on Friday, according to the state opposition.
It's understood she will miss parliament next week and the opposition has accused Ms Bates of trying to avoid its questions.
But Queensland Treasurer Tim Nicholls says the arts minister is ill.
"Minister Bates has taken leave, which was approved by the premier, on the basis of advice from her surgeon that she is unable to work following an operation," Mr Nicholls said in a statement to AAP.
The opposition would not be allowed to question Ms Bates on the subject anyway because the matter was before the Ethics Committee, he added.
Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk said Ms Bates was well enough to attend budget estimates hearings last week.
"If she can appear at estimates and sit there for hours on end, answering questions, then why can't the minister be there (next week)?" she told reporters in Brisbane on Saturday.
Mr Gommers is linked to Department of Transport Director-General Michael Caltabiano, who is being investigated over whether he misled a parliamentary committee after telling a budget estimates hearing his relationship with Mr Gommers was strictly personal.
The state government ordered an investigation after media reports found apparent evidence Mr Caltabiano had worked with Mr Gommers on the register of lobbying firm Entre Vous.
Mr Caltabiano, who was hand-picked for the transport job by the premier, stood down on Thursday on full pay.
Mr Gommers himself is currently the subject of a Crime and Misconduct Commission investigation into his employment with Mr Caltabiano's department.
Ms Palaszczuk has called for Premier Campbell Newman to sack Ms Bates if she doesn't front parliament next week.