SHIFTING truck movements to off-peak periods is just one of the ways the NSW government is hoping to cope with increasing pressure on the state's transport network.
The NSW government released its first Freight and Ports Strategy on Saturday, with the hopes of planning for the growth of the state's economy for the next 20 years.
The government said 409 million tonnes of freight was moved on the NSW transport network in 2011.
This number is expected to grow to 794 million tonnes by 2031.
The strategy notes the competing needs of passengers and freight on the state's rail and road network.
It suggests one way the state could deal with this is by shifting truck movements to off-peak periods.
"Currently, most road freight movements take place during daylight hours on weekdays. This means that freight and passenger movements largely happen at the same time," the strategy says.
"Moving freight trips to times outside peak periods will contribute to reduced congestion and, more importantly, can improve freight access and reliability.
"This will potentially lead to lower transport costs for the entire community."
The strategy says opportunities also exist to shift more freight to rail.
Roads and Ports Minister Duncan Gay said the strategy was a milestone.
"With the efficient and effective freight network underpinning the strength of our exports and reducing the costs of everyday goods and services, the strategy will ensure that freight is at the forefront of our economy," he said in a statement.
The strategy coincides with the announcement of funds to fix roads in regional NSW.
The first $1.5 million under the Fixing Country Roads program will allow Forbes Shire Council in the Lachlan Valley to boost vehicle access to the GrainCorp Red Bend grain silos.
President of NSW Farmers Fiona Simson said transport in regional NSW had been overlooked for some time.